Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Delhi: AAP's Freebie Model Sustains Due to Delhi's Higher Revenue Collection Thanks to GST and Modi's Digital India

Recently, Delhi's CM Kejriwal claimed that under his party's rule Delhi's revenue collection has doubled and it is primarily because people have "trust" in his party and hence people are paying higher taxes. This is the most "Thuggish" thing I have ever heard recently.

In a country like India where most people do not want to pay any taxes, to think that people are voluntarily paying taxes just because they like a political party - is plain madness. But then Kejriwal is famous for saying mad things. 

I checked out a report published in Left-leaning newspaper and below are some of the charts revealing things which Kejriwal and AAP won't like us to know. 

#1: Delhi gets maximum revenues from GST and implementation of the e-Way bill (by Modi Govt at Center) has played a key role in boosting collection by increasing better compliance of the GST: 

"Sources in the government said that the implementation of the e-Way bill seems to have played a key role in boosting collection by increasing better compliance of the Goods and Services Tax."

"The e-Way bill, the electronic document generated on the GST portal for the movement of goods valued higher than Rs 50,000, has played a key role in preventing evasion. It has also ensured that the transactions complied with the GST laws."

#2: Capex is not increasing in Delhi (because govt is spending higher amount on Freebies like free electricity, water and bus tickets to women voters: 

#3: Direct Tax collection has in fact come down and hence it totally negates Kejriwal's thuggish suggestion that people are playing more taxes:  

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