Saturday, October 31, 2020

Shame: Caste Based Reservation in Military (Sainik) Schools

Military Schools (Sainik Schools) in India will now reserve 27 per cent of their seats for a set of castes called 'Other Backward Castes' (OBCs) starting with the 2021-22 academic year. There are 33 such schools and they are run by the Sainik Schools Society, an autonomous organisation under the Defence Ministry. 

Now in these Military Schools, 15% seats are for Scheduled Castes (SCs), 7.5% for Scheduled Tribe Castes and 27% will be for 'other backward castes' (OBC).Source: IE

Caste based reservations are a blot on the face of Indian democracy because this policy discriminates the citizens on the basis of their birth based caste and religion. Constitution of India provides for right to equality and it has been long argued by the educated citizens of India to abolish caste based reservation (quota) system, but politicians use caste-based-quota for vote-bank purpose and are in no mood to ensure equality for all Indians. 

Caste based reservations in Military Schools is going to compromise merit and weaken Indian Armed Forces, but our government and our politicians are least bothered about these aspects and it seems all that they care about is to win elections by vote bank appeasement politics.