Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anything for the Prince?

Wikileaks did a great harm to the image of Rahul Gandhi, the crown prince from “the dynasty” in India. He would never have imagined that his letter to the US Ambassador would be made public, where he said that Hindu extremism was a bigger threat to India than the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) or Islamic terrorism. The fact that he was saying all this not to any other elections but to a foreign nation like US of A, made the matter worse. The diplomatic and long term repercussions of his irresponsible communication, which many believe is Congressi propaganda against right wing parties, were to be immense. But such revelations also put a question mark on his ‘ability’ to become a Prime Minister of India, where 80% population is ‘non-minority’.
Watching the political scene from soon after these exposures/leaks, I can see another clear line shaping up. One ‘Swami’ Aseemanand has been caught and he is said to be making confessions to own up all possible terror attacks that happened in India, starting from his date of birth onwards. He is said to have made bombs to blast trains, all in rupees 25,000 each. And as main conspirators, he is naming dead persons. Remember that for the same Samjhauta express blasts, the SIMI had owned up responsibility. Official statement reads: “The Samjhauta blasts were carried out with the help of activists of SIMI with the help of Pakistani nationals who had come to the country from across the border.” – Safdar Nagori, chief of the SIMI Nagori faction. And now, out of heaven, a ‘Swami’ (this needs to be highlighted in order to put the blame on the larger Hindu organizations as a whole) appears, wearing all saffron clothes (this color is again very necessary to be captured in all journalists and news channels’ cameras), and he owns up the same Samjhauta express blasts! What is in the store for future? A confession that he was the real famed Spiderman about whom they made movies? Or that some more dead persons who wore saffron clothes and belonged to that Hindu organization at one time in their life had carried out each of the terror attacks and even all the anti-Sikh riots of 1984?
I feel there is something cooking up for pure political reasons. And I think “Prince” with his gloomy beard and foreign eyes is beginning to smile. Only, I do not wish the Queen with a long life; nor will I wish to see the Prince as the PM of the country I love and our freedom fighters died for. 

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