Monday, October 8, 2018

Technology as fourth pillar of democracy

When will we realize that internet changed the world! Are not we still living in the past when we say these old things like media is a pillar of democracy? Internet, technology and social media changed the world and now technology is the true pillar while news is a commodity! 

There is not much role of these traditional media houses; when citizens of y-generation are aware of the world events by the moment. No one waits for the newspaper vendor to drop newspaper at the door every morning; we just read online news happening every minute! No one reads editorials anymore; where much of brainwashing used to happen earlier! World changed; people changed; and hence the need of mainstream media houses reduced. So they have resorted to air CCTV camera footage of accidents; funny videos; and glamour news on TV. And on printed papers, we see two views - one supporting and one opposing - in order to catch attention of both sides of the divide. Mainstream media is not yet settled down; we are in transition phase. But Mr. Modi is very futuristic in all areas, e.g. solar power, etc. He found long back that mainstream media does no good and social/digital media is much faster and more direct; so he chose later over the older media...

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