Friday, February 7, 2020

How to Stop China : Some Thoughts

After recent outbreak of novel Coronavirus in China, some countries have offered monetary help to China. This idea that China needs funds came as a shocker. Who are we kidding. Everybody knows that the evil communist government in China is too rich. We should stop pitying demons! 

Once upon a time China did have technology. US/European companies opened plants and centers in China since labor/electricity/input costs were much less. They wanted to beat the competition. There was a race amongst US companies about who reaches China first. They taught technology to China. 

My idea is that the civilized world should simply isolate China. Although it is too late, but still China's economy is dependent on "exports". Exports are down and China is down. But "greed" does not allow other countries to ban China.

China has still not mastered English language and hence is not good in services industry. But just like they learnt tech, they will learn English eventually. And then China will be unstoppable. We should wake up and stop feeding the dragon.

Also, I see lot of misinformation. They often club "China & Japan" or "China & India". But Japan is China's enemy. And China is India's enemy too. We need to differentiate, isolate and boycott China. Though it may be difficult in democracy where govts and policies change

At one point, US had done same mistake with Japan which it is doing with China for some time now. The mistake is to "underestimate" your rivals.

And no one likes China. Look at their neighbors. They swallowed Tibet and still occupy Indian lands (after defeating India in 1962 war). They do not know how to make friends. Those are their weaknesses. But they are good at "buying" allies.

China is spreading up to Africa. They are "buying" ruling parties and governments in very small nations like Nepal, Srilanka or SE Asia. They are really thinking "global". Ironically, globalization was invented by the West; while China is truly doing it now; just in an evil way.

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